John Vanderbeck
App crash if various BioWare folders are missing
was updated by John Vanderbeck
Wednesday Dec 09
ticket - [USABILITY] Detect if an older version of the mod in already installed was updated by John Vanderbeck 08:16 PM ticket
- README file renamed to all lower case when installed was updated by John Vanderbeck 08:09 PM ticket
- - Added new files to SVN - DAMarkdown... was committed by John Vanderbeck 07:54 PM changeset
- DAModder tries and fails to install an incompatible mod when you cancel was updated by John Vanderbeck 07:53 PM ticket
- - Added initial menu strip - Added Ab... was committed by John Vanderbeck 07:50 PM changeset
Test ticket - Ignorewas updated by John Vanderbeck 04:33 PM ticket - Test ticket - Ignore was created by John Vanderbeck 04:32 PM ticket
- removed nonfunctional tabs, and tab...
was committed by John Vanderbeck
Tuesday Dec 08
changeset - - branching for stable version was committed by John Vanderbeck 08:11 PM changeset